Ian Middleton

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LB17 “The All in One Live Probiotic”

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Why walk out of the health shop with a bag full of probiotics when you can get it all in one handy, easy to swallow capsule? As the name suggests, LB17 is a highly concentrated multi-strain probiotic that contains a whopping 17 strains of live bacterium (possibly the largest amount in any multi-strain probiotic on the market to date), and is produced using around 70 organic and natural ingredients which are fermented, using natural processes, over a period of 3 years.

Should you be looking for a highly potent formula that will reward your body with a variety of benefits then this is the probiotic for you. The bacterium inside LB17 has the ability to survive for up to a maximum of three years. Also, since the bacterium is actually alive the strains get to work straight away, some say within a matter of hours.

There are many advantages to LB17, but probably the most obvious is that the mix of different bacterium means that one serving can treat you for a diverse range of everyday maladies, or general improvements in health. The bacterium inside can repopulate the digestive system by up to a minimum of 80% of friendly bacteria. In addition to boosting your immune system, it can also help prevent against, or alleviate, skin disorders such as Psoriasis, diseases such as Cancer, and allergies such as Asthma.

Studies have shown that Lactobacillus (present in LB17) can help prevent children from developing asthma. Children usually begin building immunity after birth, but medical professionals believe that if a pregnant woman increases her intake of Lactobacillus, it actually helps a child build immunity inside the womb, and significantly lowers the odds of a child contracting allergies such as asthma.

Even if you are not suffering from any maladies, users of LB17 will feel more alive, healthier and energetic. The increased energy is due to the body’s enhanced ability to absorb the nutrients in your food. You may think you are eating a healthy diet, but it’s not much good if the body cannot absorb the vitamins and minerals inside the food, and it thus gets wasted. Your immune system will be stronger than ever and produce super antibodies to fight any potential bugs flying around, including all the scary new types of flu, such as bird and swine flu.

A live, viable bacterium protected in a capsule

Some probiotics need reviving before they can go to work, mainly due to manufacturing processes such as freeze drying. LB17, however, doesn’t need this as it contains live and viable bacterium. This is because the probiotic is encapsulated inside a vegetable gel capsule and is free from all preservatives, colors, artificial flavors and other additives. This capsule also protects the contents of LB17 from being destroyed upon consumption by powerful stomach acids. And the small capsules are easy to swallow.

Alternatively, you can buy LB17 in paste form, called biomass. This is especially great for applying direct to open cuts, wounds and persistent skin conditions. People with diabetes (type 2) could also avail of LB17 in paste form, because diabetes 2 significantly decreases the skin’s ability to heal naturally.

The mix also contains Perilla oil, which is naturally high is omega 3, and amino acids along with other vitamins and minerals and enzymes to assist digestion. Therefore it’s perfect for vegetarians, vegans, and also for the lactose intolerant because it is known to help break down all dairy products for easier absorption into the body.

What are probiotics and why do I need them?

To put it simply, there are two types of bacteria: friendly bacteria and unfriendly bacteria. As the names illustrate, unfriendly bacteria causes illness and disease, while friendly bacteria protects us from illness and disease.

Flora is a natural protective wall of friendly bacteria that lines our intestines and, due to the symbiotic relationship between our intestinal tract and our body’s immune system, feeds and strengthens our immunity which, as we all know, then helps our bodies fight off bad bacteria, viruses, fungi and other such foreign bodies (including modern-day pollutants and chemicals) that are detrimental to our everyday health.

“But if I have this already, why do I need Probiotics?” you may ask. Because there are many factors that can deplete our natural flora, such as prolonged illness, which includes the use of antibiotics and other medicines, and more commonly in today’s modern society: bad diet.

Many of us today are living such busy lives that we don’t have time to cook properly. We eat fast food on the run, or buy mass produced oven-ready meals. We simply don’t eat the right foods. Moreover, much of today’s food is becoming devoid of these healthy bacterium due to manufacturing and shipping processes.

Probiotics are a perfect supplement and can repopulate the intestines and help prevent the weakening of our immune systems. Depending on the strain, probiotics also have many other medicinal benefits and are a perfect natural medicine for people suffering from a number of maladies.

What’s in these probiotics?

There are 17 strains of bacteria inside one capsule, along with over 70 organic ingredients derived from seaweed, mushrooms, vegetables, medicinal herbs, cereals and grains and wild fruits. The seventeen strains and some of their benefits are as follows:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Benefits include reducing blood pressure, helping prevent the growth of tumors and aiding digestion.

Lactobacillus amylovorus

This strain slowly releases strong L-Lactic acid which can help lower cholesterol and is known to help prevent cancers.

Lactobacillus casei

L.casei is extremely beneficial to the lactose intolerant, and helps to stimulate normal healthy cells. Most importantly though, it’s a powerful protector against the deadly Listeria bacteria.

Lactobacillus plantarum (2 strains)

Suffers of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) will find relief from this. It helps to reduce bloating in the stomach.

Lactobacillus fermentum

Helps prevent and treat urogenital infections in women.

Lactobacillus brevis

Helps bolster our immunity.

Lactobacillus buchneri



Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Good for people with digestion troubles and also helps keep your appetite under control.

Bifidobacterium longum

This strain of bacterium was used in liver, breast and colon cancer research. Some significantly positive results were obtained showing that regular consumption of B. longum can help reduce the growth of these cancers.

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Pediococcus bacterium (P. pentosaceus. P. halophilus. P. damnosus)

Streptococcus thermophilus

Lactococcus lactis (known before as Streptococcus lactis)

How to store

LB17 also doesn’t require refrigeration and thus is ideal for those on the move or those with sensitive throats who can’t take anything cold. The only stipulation is that it’s stored at room temperature, so try to avoid keeping it in hot places.


Form: Vegetable capsules or Biomass paste (100g & 50g bottle)

Enteric-coating? Yes

Strain: 17 different strains

Contents: 70 natural ingredients

Fermentation period: 3 years

Directions: 4 to 6 capsules per day for the first 14 days, then 2 per day. For treating illness, 10 per day (max) for 30 days, then 2 per day. LB17 should preferably be taken on an empty stomach, either when you get up or just before going to bed, and washed down with a large amount of water. The water helps to flush out any stomach acids present.

Storage: Store at room temperature.

Used for: Asthma, some skin conditions, fungal infections, digestive problems, organ cleansing, IBS, Psoriasis, helps prevent colds and nasal blockage, helps prevent some cancers, lowers blood pressure, lactose intolerance, general colon and digestive health.

Gut Issues

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