Ian Middleton

Writer - Photographer - Teacher

Content creator - web Design - SEO - SEM

Shopify vs WooCommerce

By Ian Middleton

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In this article, I’m going to do a short comparison of Shopify vs WooCommerce to help you decide which ecommerce website builder might be the better fit for your needs.

Table of Contents

What are Shopify and WooCommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce are two popular ecommerce website builders for creating and managing e-commerce websites, but they differ in terms of their features, costs, customisation, and ease of use.

Shopify in Short

In short, Shopify is a great option for larger more complex ecommerce websites that sell a wide range of products in large quantities where prices and details can change often. If you want an easy way to setup and manage your products, and not have to worry about the hosting, security and the technical aspects of running an ecommerce website then Shopify is the ideal option. Shopify is well established and one of the most trusted ecommerce platforms on the web.

Shopify Pros and Cons:


  1. User-Friendly Interface: Shopify is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to set up and manage an online store without the need for extensive technical knowledge.
  2. Hosted Solution: Shopify handles hosting, security, and updates, reducing technical responsibilities on your end.
  3. Design and Themes: Shopify provides a range of customizable templates and themes, allowing you to create a visually appealing store without extensive design skills.
  4. App Store: Shopify offers a wide variety of apps and plugins to extend your store’s functionality, from marketing to inventory management.
  5. Mobile Responsiveness: Shopify stores are designed to be mobile-friendly out of the box.
  6. Payment Options: The platform supports multiple payment gateways and has its own payment solution, Shopify Payments.
  7. Scalability: Shopify can handle stores of all sizes and traffic levels, making it suitable for businesses with varying needs.
  8. Multi-Channel Selling: In addition to your online store, Shopify allows you to sell on multiple channels, including social media platforms and online marketplaces, helping you reach a wider audience.
  9. Regular Updates: Shopify regularly updates its platform to include new features, improvements, and security enhancements, ensuring that your online store stays up to date with the latest technologies so you don’t have to worry about that.
  10. SEO-Friendly: Shopify includes built-in SEO features that can help improve your store’s visibility in search engine results, aiding in driving organic traffic to your site.
  11. 24/7 Customer Support: Shopify offers customer support around the clock, ensuring that you can get assistance whenever you encounter issues or have questions about your store.


  1. Costs: Shopify involves ongoing monthly costs, which can be quite high and not ideal for small businesses or those on a tight budget. There are also transaction fees unless you use Shopify Payments.
  2. Template Restrictions: Customisation might be limited by the templates you choose, potentially leading to stores that look somewhat similar.
  3. Mobile Responsiveness: While Shopify is fully mobile responsive, you do not have full control and cannot customise the look of your pages to differ from the desktop version.
  4. Transaction Fees: Certain pricing plans include additional transaction fees on top of credit card processing fees.
  5. Dependency on Apps: Reliance on third-party apps for certain functionalities can add to your costs and introduce potential compatibility issues.
  6. SEO Constraints: While Shopify offers SEO features, some advanced SEO tactics might be restricted.
  7. Limited Blogging: If content marketing is a core strategy for your business, you might find Shopify’s blogging capabilities somewhat limited compared to dedicated CMS platforms like WordPress.
  8. Internationalisation Challenges: Expanding to international markets can involve complexities in terms of taxes, shipping, and localizations.
  9. Limited Control over Hosting: While Shopify handles hosting, this means you have less direct control over server configurations.
  10. Product Variation Limitations: Depending on your pricing plan, there might be limitations on the number of product variations you can offer.

WooCommerce in Short

In short, WooCommerce on the hand is a better option for smaller ecommerce websites where you will be selling a smaller or limited range of products, or want to sell your services online and allow people to book and pay online. It’s also the better solution if the goal of you website is not to be an ecommerce website but simply want to sell a few products or services alongside it. Woocommerce is also ideal for affiliate marketing, as you can setup product pages for items or services as an affiliate product that then links people (with your affiliate link) to the external page where they can make their purchase.

WooCommerce itself if totally free of charge, and all you need to do is pay for website hosting to setup your WordPress website (WordPress is also free). There are many great deals on hosting for wordpress. As for taking payments, the only fees will be a percentage taken from the payment service you choose, such as Stripe or Paypal. Alternatively you can also accept payments by cheque or bank transfer for free.

The main downside to WooCommerce is that it’s more complex to setup and manage, but once you have learned how to use it like anything it becomes easy. Alternatively, you could pay a website designer to build and setup the initial website, and then simply manage it yourself after some training. I have done this with many clients.

WooCommerce Pros and Cons:


  1. Lower Cost: WooCommerce itself is free and open-source, which means you won’t have to pay any licensing fees and there are a number of free themes you can use and many plugins are free too. You will need to purchase hosting for your wordpress website, there are many more hosting companies to choose from and the monthly cost is much lower. Currently the best option around is Hostinger here.
    You can also pay for a premium theme or plugin you use, and many are relatively inexpensive and you only pay a one off fee. Envato Market is a great resource for WooCommerce Themes.
  2. Flexibility and Customisation: WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, providing extensive customisation options via themes, plugins, and coding. There are many more options and templates you can use to build your shop, and each is fully customisable and much less limited than Shopify. Your WordPress and WooCommerce will look much better, especially if you use the Elementor Page Builder plugin.
  3. Mobile Responsiveness: WooCommerce is fully mobile-responsive, and if you use the Elementor Page Builder you can customise your layout to look different in desktop, tablet and mobile.
  4. Ownership & Portability: With WooCommerce, you have more control over your store’s data and your website and can move it to different hosting providers if needed. This is ideal because you can many hosting companies offer cheap deals to new customers, but the price rises after the first year or for however long you signed up as part of the deal. When this comes to an end, you can sign up to a new deal and move your shop there.
  5. Content Management: If content marketing is important to your strategy, Your WooCommerce site offers robust blogging and content management features through the powerful WordPress blogging features. WordPress started out as a blogging platform and was one of the first. It remains one of the best and most used blogging platforms, and your blogs and your WooCommerce products will also be shown throughout the WordPress.com community, which is also now available as Smartphone app.
  6. No Transaction Fees: WooCommerce doesn’t charge transaction fees beyond regular payment gateway fees. You can simply allow payment by cheque or bank transfer for free, or use Stripe, Paypal and other services and just pay their transaction fees.
  7. Community and Support: Being part of the WordPress ecosystem means you have access to a large and active community of developers, designers, and users who can offer support and guidance.
  8. More SEO Tools: As your store is a WordPress site you have more control over SEO and can optimise your website much better, especially if you use a great plugin called Rank Math. With Rank Math you have great features such as configuring local SEO, sitemaps, add schema markups and much more.


  1. Learning Curve: Setting up and managing WooCommerce requires a steeper learning curve, especially for users who are not familiar with WordPress. However, as stated earlier you could get someone to build the initial site for you.
  2. Hosting and Security: You’re responsible for arranging and maintaining your own hosting, backups and security measures. Again though, you could employ a designer to look after this for you.
  3. Technical Skills: WooCommerce is more suited for users who are comfortable with the some technical aspects like managing plugins, updates, and security. However, you don’t need to be an IT genius for this and it can be learned easily enough.
  4. Scalability: While WooCommerce can handle scalability, you might need to invest more time and effort in optimisation as your store grows. If you setup products with multiple options and then want to change prices at a later date, there is no bulk price changing available (You can only do this for simple products with one price option).
  5. Setup Time: Building a WooCommerce store from scratch might take more time and effort compared to hosted solutions with more streamlined setups.
  6. Dependencies on Hosting Quality: The performance and reliability of your store depend on the quality of your chosen hosting provider. Choosing a reliable host is crucial. However, it also means that if you have a small shop with not many visitors you can choose a cheaper, lower end package, or a higher end package for larger shops with more traffic. You can also upgrade your hosting package easily as your store grows.
  7. Plugin Compatibility: While WooCommerce has a wide range of plugins available, ensuring compatibility between different plugins can sometimes be a challenge.
  8. Support Costs: While WooCommerce’s core is free, some premium themes and plugins might incur costs. Additionally, if you encounter technical issues, you might need to hire a developer for assistance.

In summary, WooCommerce is a versatile  ecommerce website builder that offers great customization and control but requires a higher level of technical involvement. It’s well-suited for users who are comfortable with WordPress and want the freedom to design and customize their online store according to their unique needs. However, it’s important to consider the learning curve and ongoing technical responsibilities when choosing WooCommerce as your e-commerce platform.

Which one is for you?

Ultimately, the choice between Shopify and WooCommerce depends on your specific business needs, your goals for the future, technical comfort level, budget, and desired level of control.

Shopify is better suited for users who want to build a large ecommerce store and prefer an easy-to-use, hosted solution with built-in features all included in the monthly price, while WooCommerce is a good fit for those with a small amount of products and/or who value flexibility, customisation, and have some technical knowledge to manage a self-hosted WordPress website.

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